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Here are some cool quotes from WWE/WCW stars. Newest quotes are placed towards the bottom.

"Until you've walked a mile in my hat . . . you only know half the story."
-Jim Ross
"Come with me and I'll set you free."
"I can feel you without even seeing you."
-Jeff Hardy
"We will do anything to win and FEAR is just another 4-letter word."
-The Hardyz
"I'm like a Rubix cube. The longer you play with it, the harder it gets!"
-Val Venis
"I've got the brass to fire your ass!"
-Mr. Vince McMahon Jr.
"Some come back and some don't."
-Buff Bagwell
"This guy makes coffee nervous."
-Bobby "The Brain" Heenan
"So you've been married to this woman for 21 years?...Well do you realize if you didn't say 'I Do' you could be out tonight!?"
-Bobby "The Brain" Hennan on his show
"I'm gonna come back, more bad-ass than ever."
-Lita, hosting RAW at The World NY
"If there's ever a time you think you're in the wrong company, think of 18,000 fans chanting your name..."
-Maven on Tough Enough 2
"Now, for the record, I picked Lennox Lewis to take out Tyson, but Maven, for whatever reason thinks that the sun rises and sets on Iron Mike! So, be that as it may, I will enjoy collecting the money that Maven now owes me. Cuz apparently, Tyson just wasn't 'tough enough.':)"
-Shane Helms a.k.a The Hurricane talking about the Lewis vs Tyson match and Maven.
"You haven't broken me yet." -Jeff Hardy, after his ladder match with the Undertaker for the Undisputed Championship, on RAW, June 1.
"I don't give a Damn what anyone thinks of me!" Shawn Michaels.
"OH, YOU DIDN'T KNOW! You're @$$ betta call somebody!" Road Dogg and K-Kwik.
"Being a 3-time Intercontinental champion doesn't make you a great wrestler, just like Larry King having 9 wives don't make him a great husband" - Jerry Lawler
"His (Papa Shango) fingernails are black. How can you hit yourself with a hammer in ten fingers." -Bobby "The Brain" Heenan 
"Good God... good God..." "That's it; he's dead." - J.R. and Lawler as the Undertaker throws Mankind through the top of the cell to the ring below.

E-mail me if you have some more intersesting WWF quotes